The Author

My name is Valaraen Avariquen. I have lived out my life happily, peacefully in Lórien, away from the outside world. My life has been long, longer than the lives of many men and their descendants, but I had yet to visit the realm outside of our peaceful golden retreat.

I felt that I needed to learn not from ancient books and scrolls, diagrams and drawings, pictures and stories. I could not deny the need to venture out, meet the people of whom I’d read.

I write letters to Lórien of the beauty and horror, the thoughts and angst, the turmoil and agony and fear, but also the beauty and accomplishment and wonder.  I write to share this life I’ve chosen for myself, with those I know and love.

I write letters to Rivendell to share my life as I’ve returned Lothlórien, my experiences underground in Moria, and the story of my life in the past.

You, too, are welcome to follow my life and my adventure, for good or for bad.  I hope you find my postcards from Middle Earth as interesting as I am sure my friends, family and loved ones in Lórien, and now Rivendell, find them.


8 Responses to The Author

  1. Iofen says:


    I’m new (meaning incredibly new) to LOTRO and I was wondering what class you/your character is.

    a fellow gamer.

  2. As I do not often reply “out of character,” I’ll be rather brief.

    Valaraen’s class is Hunter. Thanks for reading, I enjoy knowing that other people read my writing.

  3. Fingolthiir says:

    Mae Govannen Valaraen! I always look forward to your next installments.

    Garo ‘lass a lalaith,
    Fingolthiir Bragolnar

  4. Mae Govannen!

    Thank you for the compliments – things have become exciting, so I expect to be writing more often once things calm down.


  5. Saelrandir says:

    Mae Govannen Huntress.

    Fair Greetings from the Realm of Belegaer.
    I always enyoy reading your writings.

    Saelrandir Gilthand
    Bard of Sonnenwind

  6. Le suilon!

    I thank you for your kind compliment.

    There is much still to be done, much to be written about. May the future bring many stories yet to be told, and plenty more for you to enjoy.

    No in elenath hîlar nan hâd gîn, Namárië.


  7. Mirthwyn says:

    Suilad, Valaraen.

    I take only a moment of your time to wish you safe travels. I hope you find what your heart seeks. I know well the searching feeling of what one’s purpose in this life must be.

    Mirthwyn, a Ranger of the Wilds

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